Saturday 28 June 2008

Vroom by the Sea

Travel writer Peter Moore has just released his new book, Vroom by the Sea, though sadly it's only published in New Zealand and Australia at the moment.

The follow-up to 2005's Vroom with a View, it follows Moore's travels on his vintage (and very orange) Vespa 200 - dubbed Marcello - from Livorno on mainland Italy to the interior of Sardinia, one eye on the clock as it ticks down to the birth of his first child.

Will Marcello go the distance? Can Moore finish his tour and make it back to London in time for the birth? Suppose we'll have to wait to find out.

In the meantime why not check out his web site.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Spain triumph against Italy

It's not just in the world of football that the Spanish are giving the Italians a beating.

The Sardinia Rolex Cup organized by the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda saw Spain trounce the home team for a second time, winning by 11 points over five days of racing.

The event came to a close on Saturday (21 June) with Germany, Southern Europe and Russia in fourth, fifth and sixth respectively.
Read the original article

Saturday 14 June 2008

Call this a holiday

Two weeks back from Sardinia and this is my first post since our return. Shocking.

Anyhow our 5 days of respite from the drudgery of real life in Cardiff proved to be nothing but a whirlwind of meetings, work, bill paying and shopping.

A trip to Tempio to sort out the water rates, buy paint and generally clear the decks was just the beginning of what felt like the most exhausting holiday of my life.

Anyhow the house got a freshen up, new linen was bought, cleaners were booked, our funds replenished and we came away a few hundred quid lighter.

Still, after showing our friends the around the village (and the island) I was happy to find that they loved the place. Peaceful, calming, a place you could lose yourself just sitting on the balcony and watching the world go by was the general consensus.

Even the short drive to the beach - a bone of contention for some - didn't put them off.

'How could it when the scenery's so gorgeous'

I was beaming.

At present we have people staying there for three weeks. As you can see I've now added a webcam feed to the site (cheers Wilco!) and so I find myself checking the site each day and praying for good weather.

Barring one or two dodgy days so far so good.

Right must go. Bruce Springsteen awaits.